Environmental systems, vegetation belts and potential vegetation of the Monti Sibillini (Central Italy)

  • F. Pedrotti Department of Botany and Ecology, Univesity of Camerino, Via Pontoni 5, 62032 Camerino, Italy
Keywords: environmental systems, vegetation belts, potential vegetation, vegetation mapping, Monti Sibillini


A synthesis map (scale of 1: 300,000) of the Monti Sibillini group (Central Italy), which represents contemporaneously the principal environmental and vegetation characteristics of the territory studied, is presented. This map of the potential vegetation also contains phytosociological (vegetation typology), ecological (environmental system and altitudinal belt) and phytogeographic information (chorology of the associations), and so constitutes an objective foundation for dividing the territory in ecological-environmental terms and for identifying environmental units necessary for landscape planning.

How to Cite
Pedrotti, F. (2001). Environmental systems, vegetation belts and potential vegetation of the Monti Sibillini (Central Italy). Oecologia Montana, 10(1-2), 13-18. Retrieved from http://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/127
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