Optimum density and space structure of Kyrgyzstan's juniper stands for identifying water protective properties

  • B. Toktoraliev Kyrgyz National Academy of Science, Prospect Chui 265a, Bishkek 720071, Kyrgyz Republic
  • Z. toktoraliev Kyrgyz National Academy of Science, Prospect Chui 265a, Bishkek 720071, Kyrgyz Republic
  • M. Anarbaev National Center for Mountain Regions Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 22, avenue Manas, Kyrgyz Republic
  • D. Karaeva Kyrgyz National University, 547 Frunze Str., Bishkek 720033, Kyrgyz Republic
Keywords: deforestation, forest density, forest management, juniper, water protection


Central Asia, including Kyrgyzstan, is a disaster-prone region, suffering from snow avalanches, landslides and flooding. Within Tien-Shan, a mountainous region in southern Kyrgyzstan, there has been an increasing number of natural hazards in recent years. One of the possible causes of this increase is deterioration of juniper forests in the region. Juniper has a large economic and ecological importance for Kyrgyzstan. However, conditions have worsened for these forests. Since 1980 approximately 20% of juniper forests have been lost due to intensive deforestation, forest fires and excessive cattle grazing. Climate change may also affect juniper trees and soil properties. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of juniper forest on local hydrology and to characterize its water protective properties.
How to Cite
Toktoraliev, B., toktoraliev, Z., Anarbaev, M., & Karaeva, D. (2013). Optimum density and space structure of Kyrgyzstan’s juniper stands for identifying water protective properties. Oecologia Montana, 22(1), 11-15. Retrieved from http://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/242
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