Biology of alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) VI. Interspecific relationships among alpine accentors and other species of birds during winter

  • M. Janiga Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
Keywords: alpine accentor, Prunella collaris, and hierarchy among bird species, winter flocks, supplementary feeding


Observations were carried out on winter aggregations of alpine accentors. This species of bird was more likely to feed at dawn and dusk. During winter, regular feeding groups of different species of birds congregating at the same time at feeding sites, were consistent in composition and space. Dominant hierarchies formed that were weight related. The following ranking orders of dominance were observed among different species of birds (> - indicates a higher position in the dominance ranking, = indicates an equal position): Pica pica > Prunella collaris > Dendrocopus major > Chloris chloris => Fringilla coelebs = Emberiza citrinella => Parus major > Poecile montanus, Prunella collaris > Picus canus, Garrulus glandarius > Prunella collaris, Corvus corax > Prunella collaris, Nucifraga caryocatactes > Prunella collaris, Turdus pilaris > Prunella collaris, Turdus merula > Prunella collaris =>< Parus major > Periparus ater > Cyanictes caeruleus > Lophophanes cristatus, Prunella collaris > Sitta europaea > Periparus ater, Erithacus rubecula > Chloris chloris => Emberiza citrinella, Cocothraustes cocothraustes > Emberiza citrinella. Additionally, the possible transmission of diseases between different bird species, within different ecosystems, and in the food chain between accentors and birds of prey during autumn is discussed.

How to Cite
Janiga, M. (2021). Biology of alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) VI. Interspecific relationships among alpine accentors and other species of birds during winter. Oecologia Montana, 30(2), 85-99. Retrieved from
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