Analysis of a mountain lake using sonar with GPS

  • J. Škodová Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
  • J. Solár Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
Keywords: mountain lakes, morphology,, sonar scanning, Tatra Mountains, testing, review


Mountain lakes are sensitive ecosystems that require detailed research using modern techniques. Little attention is paid to monitoring the morphology of alpine lakes in the Tatras. Therefore, in this work, we focused on diverse ways of monitoring the morphology of high mountain lakes and comparing the used techniques. Our main goal was to test procedures for monitoring the morphology of mountain lakes using sonar and remote-controlled boats at selected experimental locations (artificial: Ždiar, Žilina, natural: High and Western Tatras) over the course of two years (2021 – 2022). During the survey, we recorded and evaluated individual settings and environmental conditions that could influence the result of the measurements. To achieve satisfactory results, it is necessary to consider the choice of location in terms of size and depth, the type of mobile device in terms of load capacity, overall immersion, and manoeuvrability, as well as weather conditions that can reduce battery life. It is also important to process the collected sonar data and preserve quality of the GPS signal. In this work, we discuss the possibilities of changing the technique, the advantages, and disadvantages of their use, and offer recommendations suitable for smoothing when using this technique.

How to Cite
Škodová, J., & Solár, J. (2023). Analysis of a mountain lake using sonar with GPS. Oecologia Montana, 32(1), 42-48. Retrieved from
Techniques and strategies