Biology of Alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) X. Chronological records of daily activities while breeding

  • M. Janiga Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
Keywords: Alpine accentor, Prunella collaris, nesting and breeding behaviour, West Carpathians


Chronological notes on the daily life of Prunella collaris appear only fragmentary in the literature. During many years of work with this species in the Western Carpathians, some important fragments of the daily chronology of the species have been selected for this paper, which give zoologists, ethologists, parasitologists or even climatologists more detailed insight into how this bird species is adapted to conditions of the high mountains. For example, we have evidence that the transmission of mites, lice or fleas from males to females can take place during nest building, with not only the alpha but also the beta males inspecting the nest for several seconds, even though they are not building the nest. Even during this time, males and females can spend several seconds in the nest cavity. This work also adds to our knowledge of when nesting males are most aggressive and when they increase their feeding intensity on the nestlings in the nest. This occurs before the nestlings emerge from the nest. The work will also provide information on the effect of daily precipitation on nesting and the limiting factor of snowfall. The movement of chicks in the nest has been recorded and the notes contribute to knowledge of how the daily life of this species really pulsates during the breeding season.

How to Cite
Janiga, M. (2024). Biology of Alpine accentor (Prunella collaris) X. Chronological records of daily activities while breeding. Oecologia Montana, 33(1), 48-56. Retrieved from