Observations on the Vicuna Vicugna vicugna and the Guanaco Lama guanice in the region of the Cuencaöe la Laguna Verde, Catamarca Andes, Argentina

  • M. Lucherini Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ethology and Behavioural Ecology Group, University of Siena. Via P.A. Mattioli 4, 53100 Siena, Italy


The region of the Cuenca de la Laguna Verde, Catamarca Andes (Fig. 2). has been poorly explored and lacks permanent human settlements (only shepherds seasonally visit the easternmost part of the area). For its remoteness and intact state, the Cuenca de la Laguna Verde has been proposed for protection by local conservation groups. Nevertheless, no data on the fauna of this area are available. From 21 January to 5 February, 1993, this region (approx. 27°30'- 28°00,S and 68°00'- 69°00'W) was partially explored to search for wild camelids. In 15 days approx. 230 km were covered on foot and by mule, from 3,500 m to about 4,900 m a.s.l.

How to Cite
Lucherini, M. (1994). Observations on the Vicuna Vicugna vicugna and the Guanaco Lama guanice in the region of the Cuencaöe la Laguna Verde, Catamarca Andes, Argentina. Oecologia Montana, 3(1-2), 49-50. Retrieved from http://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/42