Dry matter dynamics, storage and flux of nutrients in an aged eucalypt plantation

  • S.S. Bargali Department of Botany, Kumaun University, Nainital -263 002. (U.P.) India
  • S.P. Singh Department of Botany, Kumaun University, Nainital -263 002. (U.P.) India


The net primary productivity and nutrient cycling in a 25-yr-old eucatypt plantation has investigated and compared with an 8-yr-old eucalypt plantation (rotation period for the region) and adjacent natural forest. The biomass of 25-yr-old plantation was two times higher than of 8-yt - old plantation but the primary productivity values were similar. The nutrient return to the soil throught litter fall and decomposition rate of leaves were higher than that of 8-yr-oid plantation. The nutrient concentration in the soil of 25-yr-old plantation was higher than that 8-yr-old plantation and lower than that of adjacent natural forest.

How to Cite
Bargali, S., & Singh, S. (1995). Dry matter dynamics, storage and flux of nutrients in an aged eucalypt plantation. Oecologia Montana, 4(1-2), 9-14. Retrieved from http://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/46
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