Príjem atmosférického olova u Prunella collaris závisí od sezón
Lead levels in the faeces of Alpine accentors (Prunella collaris) were studied. 55 samples were collected from different seasons and localities in the High Tatra, Low Tatra and Great Fatra National Parks, Slovakia. The wet deposition in the form of snow is probably the main source of lead contamination of mountains. The deposition depends on the amount of precipitation Thus, at least some of the observed variability of lead pollution can be attributed to varying amounts of snowing in different months.The highest concentrations of lead inthe faeces of Alpine accentors were observed in the early spring. At this time, the birds collect insect from the snowfields, and the lead from many layers of winter snow is filterred in the soil. A statistically significant difference was found between lead levels in feaces from winter and summer. Table 4 presents a comparison of lead levels in the faeces of accentors from Gran Sasso (Apenines), Morgenberghorn, Hohgant (Bernese Alps) and Hafelekar (Tyrolian Alps near Innsbruck). The lead concrentration values were very similar to the Slovakian data, and probably also respond to seasonal changes in the local climate.
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