Allometric analysis of developmental adaptation of Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis Temm.)

  • M. Janiga Institute of High Mountain Biology, Tatranská Javorina 7, 059 56 -SR, Slovakia
Keywords: intraspecific allometry, adaptation, natality, regresion


By the method of comparison of statistically equalized allometric curves the seasonal difference in postnatal development was clearly revealed without knowledge of age of nestlings. The nestlings of females of greater clutches exhibited more progressive postnatal development. More young in a nest (4 and more) developed better during the first days of ontogeny. Latter in the second half of nest care the probable advantage was the presence of fewer young in a nest. Young also differed in postnatal development according to the order of hatching in a nest. Nestlings of weighty females exhibited better quality of postnatal development. Development of nestlings also slightly reflected the negative influence of parasitism of Ixodes arboricola in the last days of nest care.

How to Cite
Janiga, M. (2005). Allometric analysis of developmental adaptation of Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis Temm.). Oecologia Montana, 14(1-2), 15-24. Retrieved from
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