Issues of combined studies of mountains and plains of the Central Asia and nature – anthropogenous processesmanagement inthesystemofmountains–plains

  • L.A. Alibekov Department of Mountain Ecology, Samarkand State Univesity, Arzu Mahmudova 10, 703029 Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Large volume of contemporary information on dynamics of natural processes, accumulated by sciences on Earth during recent decades, requires an unordinary approach to summarization and shifting of accents in researches on the analysis of complicated interrelations (i.e. conjugation of natural systems), determining development of landscape cover (a biosphere).

How to Cite
Alibekov, L. (2005). Issues of combined studies of mountains and plains of the Central Asia and nature – anthropogenous processesmanagement inthesystemofmountains–plains. Oecologia Montana, 14(1-2), 42-46. Retrieved from
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