The principles of mapping and geoecological evaluation of the montane and plateau geosystems

  • A. Kh. Toichiev National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 700 174, Uzbekistan
  • N.I. Sabitova National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 700 174, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Valley of the Zarafshan River, geosystem, geoecological map, three-dimensional relief map, Uzbekistan


The main objective of the study is the elaboration of methodical base for geoecological evaluation of mountain and plateau geosystems. The advantage of utilization of threedimensional relief modelling and a wide range of use of geoecological (soil-ecological) meliorative map is presented in the paper. The study explains three principles included in the investigation - the principle of geometrical approach, dynamic principle and genetic principle.

How to Cite
Toichiev, A., & Sabitova, N. (2006). The principles of mapping and geoecological evaluation of the montane and plateau geosystems. Oecologia Montana, 15(1-2), 27-28. Retrieved from
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