Biological diversity in the Carpathians

  • I. Vološčuk Tatra National Park, 059 60 Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia
Keywords: Biodiversity, the Carpathians, nature protection


The major threat to the Carpathian ecosystems in global terms is the long distance transmission of emissions (gases and pollution, acid rain) and the synergic activity of anthropogenic influences. The local causes of forest damage are grazing of domestic animals, erosion, avalanches and unregulated tourism. In recent years there have been claims made to construct new facilities for sport and tourist activities in the mountain area. Global air pollution and acid rain needs international political measures in order to resolve and alleviate the problem. In the battle to protect nature we must constantly be kept informed about the true situation and threat to nature. The local threat can be solved by making legislative regulations that will aid the practical management of national parks and reserves. Of utmost importance is the cooperation between local administrations, citizens and forest owners.

How to Cite
Vološčuk, I. (1992). Biological diversity in the Carpathians. Oecologia Montana, 1(2), 43-47. Retrieved from
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