Assessment of changes in landuse development in the Magura and the Eastern Tatras in the years 1772 - 2003
Assessment of changes in landuse development in the region of Magura and East Tatra Mts. between 1772 and 2003 was performed by remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS), on the basis of historical maps and aerial orthophotographs. Individual landcover structures, historical development of landuse and changes in the intensity of landuse were analyzed using collected data. Quantitative indicators of landscape quality were evaluated on the basis of selected landscape characteristics such as ecological stability and human impact. Our results have shown similarities between the development of study areas with the development of four biosphere reserves in Slovakia. In mountain and piedmont areas of Slovakia, the percentage of forest cover has increased, agriculture and shepherding has declined especially in steeper and higher located slopes, which presently experience the development of secondary plant succession due to the financial unsustainability of more intensive landuse forms.
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