Heavy metals in alpine terrestrial invertebrates

  • M. Lukáň Institute of High Mountain Biology, University of Žilina, SK - 059 56 Tatranská Javorina 7, Slovac Republic


Invertebrates are in close contact with heavy metal contaminants in the soil. As they are an important link in the food chains, many birds and mammals become exposed to the accumulated contaminants they carry. The toxicity, bioaccumulation and physio-logical adaptations of different invertebrate groups to heavy metals have been targetted by many research studies. This review study presents a concise overview of these topics including suggestions on the use of invertebrates as indicators of heavy metal pollution in high mountain environments.

How to Cite
Lukáň, M. (2009). Heavy metals in alpine terrestrial invertebrates. Oecologia Montana, 18(1-2), 31-38. Retrieved from https://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/212
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