Riparian vegetation along streams in the Tatra Mts, Slovakia
103 relevés of riparian vegetation have been submitted to cluster analyses, five vegetation types were distinguished: Petasites hybridus, Rubus idaeus - Urtica dioica, Senecio nemorensis, Luzula sylvatica-Dicranum scoparium, Ligusticum mutellina. Every vegetation type is characterized from ecological and floristical viewpoints. Physico-chemical characteristics (Conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, chemical oxygen demand, calcium carbonate, nitrates, ammonia and chlorides) were plotted as ordination axes (CCA) and some geographical characteristics (bedrock, orientation, chalet presence) were ploted as supplementary environmental variables. Natural or anthropogenic disturbance events result in extra input of nutrients. Some species correlate with environmental variables, e. g. with altitude correlate Anthoxanthum alpinum, Solidago *minuta, with NO3- Chamaerion angustifolium and Petasites hybridus, with NH3 Urtica dioica
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