Organic components in the different types of precipitation - Ružomberok experimental area
The aim of this study was to collect different precipitation types including air water (air humidity), rain water and solid water samples (snow and frost deposit) in the close surroundings of Mondi SCP, Inc., which is the most significant source of pollutants in the Ružomberok area, and one of the highest polluters in Slovakia. Subsequently, the samples were analysed using colorimetry (photometry) and gas chromatography. Colorimetry was used to measure the concentrations of ions dissolved in the samples including chlorides Cl-, sulphates SO42-, carbonates CO32-, ammoniacal nitrogen N-NH4, nitrates NO3- and phosphates PO43-. Results were processed by the correlation analysis in combination with PCA and ANOVA by the STATISTICA programme. Gas chromatography/mass selective detection (GC/MSD) was used to detect and identify potential organic pollutants present in the samples. The sampling started in May 2015 and continued to March 2016. In addition, the day levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), relative humidity, temperature, ground level ozone and PM10 dust particles were monitored during the whole period of sampling. The results of the statistical analysis show 7 different effects that influenced the level of ions in a different type of water as well as in a different season. The most occurring organic compounds detected by the chromatographic analysis were: alcohols, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons (including terpenes), carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones), carboxylic acid esters, carboxylic acids, derivatives of ammonia, biphenyl or mercaptan, ethers, PAHs (including pyrenes), phosphoric acid esters (including chlorinated organophosphates) and phthalates.© PRUNELLA Publishers
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