Heavy metals and other elements in the Pinus sylvestris needles – Ružomberok
In our work we examined the use of needles Pinus sylvestris as the bioindicator of pollution in Ružomberok. One-year, two-year and three-year needles were collected during the years 2011 and 2012 during autumn, spring and summer months in two sampling locations (Mních and Hrboltová). The samples were dried, ground and X-rated in the XRF spectrometer Delta. The resulting data matrix was evaluated by the program STATISTICA 10. From the analysis made, we tried to determine the level of concentration of pollution and to examine the consequences and causes of contamination and the impact of Mondi SCP on this pollution. Probably, the pollution of needles is unrelated with the impact of local paper factory, but with the global pollution of the area. The concentration of Cr, Pb, Mo, S, K, Zn does not depend on the sample locality. The concentration of K, Cl and S in relation to Mn is influenced by the presence of the paper plant in the Liptov Basin. The accumulation of K, Cl, S is raising when the growing season begins.© PRUNELLA Publishers
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