A case study on the use of multivariate techniques in phytogeographic analysis of bryophytes in the Veľká Fatra Mountains

  • R. Šoltés Podtatranská 19, 058 01 Poprad, Slovak Republic
  • J. Kliment Textorisovej 3/11, 03601 Martin, Slovak Republic
Keywords: phytogeographic analysis, bryophytes, distribution, areal types, multivariate analysis, Veľká Fatra Mountains


Classical phytogeographic analysis focuses on the analysis of areal types, floristic elements, vertical distribution of species, ecology, and threats. The focus of this study is the use of alternative approaches in phytogeographic analysis. The results of multidimensional analysis proved to be effective, revealing previously undiscovered relationships. For example, a common feature of species with Holarctic to North American distribution is the predominance of the (sub)boreal areal type, while a common feature of species with the European to African areal type is the predominance of the (sub)oceanic areal type.

How to Cite
Šoltés, R., & Kliment, J. (2022). A case study on the use of multivariate techniques in phytogeographic analysis of bryophytes in the Veľká Fatra Mountains. Oecologia Montana, 31(2), 80-87. Retrieved from https://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/364
Techniques and strategies