Micro-mammalia monitoring in the Western Carpathians, The Grapa Nature Reserve

  • M. Zápotočný Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
  • J. Nová Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
  • L. Zábojníková Institute of High Mountain Biology, Žilina University, Tatranská Javorina 7, SK-059 56, Slovak Republic
Keywords: micro-mammalia, zoological monitoring, Grapa National Reserve, Tatra Mountains


This report summarizes the results of small terrestrial mammal monitoring that took place at Grapa National Reserve during the spring and autumn seasons in 2022. The reserve is a fragment of primeval forest with well-preserved native forest structures. During a total of 11 days of trapping, individuals of 5 rodent species were captured – Myodes glareolus, Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus sylvaticus, Mus musculus, Muscardinus avellanarius

How to Cite
Zápotočný, M., Nová, J., & Zábojníková, L. (2022). Micro-mammalia monitoring in the Western Carpathians, The Grapa Nature Reserve. Oecologia Montana, 31(2), 88-89. Retrieved from https://om.vuvb.uniza.sk/index.php/OM/article/view/365