Syrphids as visitors of the reputedly anemophilous Rumex alpinus (Polygonaceae)

  • L. Klimeš Department of Plant Ecology, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Dukelská 145, 379 82 Třeboň, Czech Republic


Among reputedly anemophilous plant species a few groups were found which are to some extent insect-pollinated, namely by syrphid flies. In most cases syrphids have been observed on anemophilous monocotyledonous plants, such as grasses (Porsch 1956; Van der Goot and Grabandt 1970; Leereveld 1984), on Sparganium erectum (Leereveld 1984), Cyperaceae graminoids (Leereveld 1982), Typha angustifolia (Waitzbauer 1976) and Scirpus maritimus (Leereveld et al. 1981).

How to Cite
Klimeš, L. (1994). Syrphids as visitors of the reputedly anemophilous Rumex alpinus (Polygonaceae). Oecologia Montana, 3(1-2), 47-48. Retrieved from