Subrecent phytolith assemblages of alpine communities in the Teberda Nature Reserve, the north-western Caucasus, Russia

  • E.V. Volkova Geobotany Division, Depanment of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia
  • V.G. Onipchenko Geobotany Division, Depanment of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899, Russia
  • M.S. Blinnikov Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA
Keywords: phytolith analysis, alpine communities, northwestern Caucasus, paleoecology


Phytolith analysis uses tiny silica particles of specific shapes, which are produced by certain plant taxa and get deposited in soil, to reconstruct plant community history. Along with better known pollen analysis, phytolith analysis allows studying the history of establishment of ecosystems, improves our understanding of vegetation dynamics, provides insights into the possible future of ecosystem development. Phytolith analysis becomes a new and powerful tool in paleoecology, providing additional data about qualitative and quantitative composition of the plant communities in the past.

How to Cite
Volkova, E., Onipchenko, V., & Blinnikov, M. (1995). Subrecent phytolith assemblages of alpine communities in the Teberda Nature Reserve, the north-western Caucasus, Russia. Oecologia Montana, 4(1-2), 1-8. Retrieved from
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