Seasonal variation in biomass and nutrient content of the forest floor in a dry tropical forest

  • L. Singh Department of Forestry, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur 492012 (M.P.), India
Keywords: Dry tropical forest, forest floor, leaf litter, decayed litter, wood litter


Seasonal variations in biomass and nutrient content of the forest floor were studied in a dry tropical forest in India. The range of variations in standing crop of trash leaf litter, partly decayed litter and wood litter, during different seasons, were 30.8-220.9 g, 36.M15.6 g and 76.4-151.6 g/m2, respectively. The mass of herbaceous live shoots and dead shoots varied 1.4-82.9 g and 3.3-22,9 g/m2. respectively. Nutrient concentration in different forest floor components followed the order: herbaceous shoots > fresh leaf litter > wood litter > and partly decayed litter. Nutrient content in total forest floor mass amounted to (kg/ha); 27,9-39.7 N, 1.7-2.3 P. 12.5- 17 1 Ca. 11.1-15.9 K and 1.8-2.6 Na.

How to Cite
Singh, L. (1995). Seasonal variation in biomass and nutrient content of the forest floor in a dry tropical forest. Oecologia Montana, 4(1-2), 21-26. Retrieved from
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