The chromosome numbers of some selected plant species of flora in Slovakia
In the contribution there is the information about chromosome numbers of 16 mountain and alpine species of flora in Slovakia as follows: Androsace obtusifolia All. 2n = 40, Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hill. 2n = 16, Campanula cochleariifolia Lam. 2n = 34, Campanula elliptica Kit. in Schult. subsp. subcapitata (Popov) Májovský 2n = 30, Dianthus glacialis Haenke in Jacq. 2n = 30, Festuca ovina L. 2n = 14, Galium spurium L. subsp. vaillantii (DC.) Gaud. 2n = 20, Pilosella caespitosa agg. 2n = 45, Oxytropis carpatica L. 2n = 16, Oxytropis halleri Bunge ex Koch 2n = 32, Poa margilicola Bernátová et Májovská 2n = 28, Poa seiuncta Bernátová et Májovský 2n = 28, 56, Poa babiogorensis Bernátová et Májovský 2n = 42, Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s. l. 2n = 24, Silene noctiflora L. 2n = 24, Tephroseris capitata (Wahlenb.) Holub 2n = 96.
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