The structure of large soil invertebrate communities (Mesofauna) in the alpine ecosystems of the Teberda Reserve, the Northwestern Caucasus

  • V.G. Onipchenko Department of Geobotany, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russian Federation
  • O.E. Zhakova Department of Geobotany, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119899 Russian Federation
Keywords: Lumbricidae, Diptera larvae, Aranei, Chilopoda, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae


The biomass and density of main groups of large soil invertebrates were investigated in four types of alpine ecosystems. Total dry biomass varied from 0.08 to 3.45 g/m2 decreasing in the row from chionophobous to chionophobous ecosystems. Lumbricidae, Aranei, Chilopoda, Curculionidae - and Diptera - larvae were well represented. Mollusca and Diplopoda were practically absent apparently due to a Ca-deficiency of acidic alpine soils. Each ecosystem has a specific composition of soil invertebrates community. Communities studied differ from that of arctic tundras by smaller abundance of Enchytraeidae and Tipulidae and by the larger role of Chilopoda and Curculionidae
How to Cite
Onipchenko, V., & Zhakova, O. (1997). The structure of large soil invertebrate communities (Mesofauna) in the alpine ecosystems of the Teberda Reserve, the Northwestern Caucasus. Oecologia Montana, 6(1-2), 35-38. Retrieved from
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