Bio-indication of environmental pollution in alpine environments using X-ray analysis in snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) population
In this study we focused on bio-indication of pollution in alpine environments the using snow vole as a bio-indicator species. The research took place in the Dolina Bielych Plies valley, Belianske Tatras, Slovakia. The samples of tails from live-trapped snow voles, were analyzed using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. From a total of 26 detectable elements we detected 13 elements. Statistical analysis was performed to examine mutal relationships between the accumulated of elements between sexes and age categories. Measured elements in most cases shared lower values except in the case of molybdenum. We found significantly higher accumulation of chrome, zinc and manganese in females and similar but less significant amounts of lead and barium. There were no significant differences between the age categories. Adverse detected elements could be attributed to pollution from the mining industry and traffic.© PRUNELLA Publishers
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